Menopause symptoms can have a negative affect on your relationships.
Category: Blog
Ease The Anxiety
Increased levels of anxiety may come as shock to many women at menopause. More celebrity women, such as Carol Vorderman, Mariella Frostrup and Gillian Anderson, have been speaking openly about their own experiences of menopause anxiety and that is helping to raise awareness of this issue. The causes of anxiety at this stage of life… Continue reading Ease The Anxiety
Solutions for Menopause Fatigue
Tiredness and fatigue can be a symptom of menopause. There are actions you can take to boost your energy
10 Top Tips to Clear Brain Fog
You know that feeling you get when you just can’t think straight? Your brain is wading through treacle and you can’t make a decision. Your memory is not what it was. You keep forgetting things: people’s names, items on your mental to-do list, something you were going to say, where you put your keys. It’s… Continue reading 10 Top Tips to Clear Brain Fog
Sleep – The Secret Wonder Drug
Regular good quality sleep is often the first victim of menopause. It takes many women by surprise as it is not often talked about as one of the common symptoms but it is estimated to affect over half of women. Poor sleep can give rise to other symptoms such as brain fog, memory lapses, reduced… Continue reading Sleep – The Secret Wonder Drug
Why Menopause In The Workplace Matters
Imagine if every woman sailed through their menopause, it was talked about openly with no embarrassment and it didn’t get in the way of life. If 3 out of 4 experience symptoms, 1 in 4 don’t. So why can’t we all to sail through it? We hope that with the right awareness and education, we… Continue reading Why Menopause In The Workplace Matters
Action is Everything
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Not Just Hot Flushes
[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=”1″][cs_element_row _id=”2″][cs_element_column _id=”3″][cs_element_headline _id=”4″][cs_element_text _id=”5″][cs_element_gap _id=”6″][cs_element_headline _id=”7″][cs_element_text _id=”8″][/cs_element_column][/cs_element_row][cs_element_row _id=”14″][cs_element_column _id=”15″][cs_icon_list][cs_icon_list_item title=”Poor Sleep” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false” style=”max-width: 85%;”]Poor Sleep[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Forgetfulness” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false”]Forgetfulness[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Anxiety” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false”]Anxiety[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Headache/migraine” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false”]Headache/migraine[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Breast changes” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false”]Breast changes[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Abdominal bloating” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#” link_new_tab=”false”]Abdominal bloating[/cs_icon_list_item][cs_icon_list_item title=”Dizziness or fainting” type=”check” link_enabled=”false” link_url=”#”… Continue reading Not Just Hot Flushes
Menopause, What Menopause?
As women, we know we are going to go through menopause at some time but we don’t really want to think about it, right? We’ll deal with it when it happens. Why would you want to start thinking about it before it happens? From my conversation with women in their 40s I know that many… Continue reading Menopause, What Menopause?