Solutions for Menopause Fatigue

Menopause Tiredness and Fatigue

Tiredness and fatigue can be a symptom of menopause. There are actions you can take to boost your energy

Top Life Hacks For Beating the Winter Blues

Beat the Winter Blues

How is 2019 going for you so far? This can be a tough time of year. The fun of Christmas is over, the days are short, the holiday weight is hanging about, the New Year resolutions are getting tough and you’ve still got those annoying menopause symptoms. All that adds up to the Winter Blues.… Continue reading Top Life Hacks For Beating the Winter Blues

10 Top Tips to Clear Brain Fog

Menopause Brain Fog

You know that feeling you get when you just can’t think straight? Your brain is wading through treacle and you can’t make a decision. Your memory is not what it was. You keep forgetting things: people’s names, items on your mental to-do list, something you were going to say, where you put your keys. It’s… Continue reading 10 Top Tips to Clear Brain Fog

Sleep – The Secret Wonder Drug

Regular good quality sleep is often the first victim of menopause. It takes many women by surprise as it is not often talked about as one of the common symptoms but it is estimated to affect over half of women. Poor sleep can give rise to other symptoms such as brain fog, memory lapses, reduced… Continue reading Sleep – The Secret Wonder Drug

10 Ways To Be Kind To Yourself

‘Be as kind to the person in the mirror as you are to others.’ Marilyn Suttle, Author and Coach Kindness to others is good for your physical, mental and emotional health.  Kindness to your self is essential. The years around menopause are often a very busy time as women find themselves dealing with young adult… Continue reading 10 Ways To Be Kind To Yourself