Top Life Hacks For Beating the Winter Blues

Woamn with low mood

How is 2019 going for you so far? This can be a tough time of year. The fun of Christmas is over, the days are short, the holiday weight is hanging about, the New Year resolutions are getting tough and you’ve still got those annoying menopause symptoms. All that adds up to the Winter Blues.

Feeling a bit low in January is very normal and the effects of menopause can add to that. Low mood can lead to:

  • Lack of energy
  • Poor quality or interrupted sleep.
  • Lower sex drive
  • Loss of pleasure or interest in normal activities
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings and irritability
  • Cravings for carbohydrates leading to weight gain.

Top Life Hacks to Shift the Winter Blues

  1. Set aside five minutes every day to sit quietly, focus on your breathing and picture yourself looking like your best, happier self. Notice how that you looks, moves, sounds and feels. You are programming your brain to move towards that you.
  2. At the end of every day make a note in a journal of three positive things from the day. They can be big or small, it doesn’t matter. You are priming yourself to notice all the good things in your life.
  3. Boost your mood with regular exercise. Exercise releases positive hormones into your bloodstream and creates new brain cells that help you to think clearer. A 15 minute walk can lift your mood and also significantly reduce daytime snacking.
  4. Eat foods that help to balance your emotions. Your brain needs essential fatty acids (Omega 3 oils) to function well. These are found in oily fish, nuts, seeds, avocados and eggs.
  5. Stay well hydrated. Your body and brain both need fluid to function efficiently. Water is a cheap and healthy option. You can infuse water with fresh fruit to add some delicious flavour such as pomegranate, lemon and ginger, orange or raspberries.
  6. Be sociable. People with strong social contacts tend to stay happier and healthier and cope better with life’s challenges. Being on social media is not sufficient so contact your friends and arrange a regular get together.
  7. Smile! You may not feel like it but doing something that makes you smile or laugh for five minutes three times a day will help to boost your levels of serotonin and immunise you against low mood. You could watch a funny video on YouTube or your favourite comedy on the television, but the best laughs are the ones we have with a member of the family or a friend.

If you need more help with your menopause mood there are lots more tips and techniques in the FaceBook Group and in the 30 Days to a Smarter Menopause Programme.