‘Be as kind to the person in the mirror as you are to others.’ Marilyn Suttle, Author and Coach
Kindness to others is good for your physical, mental and emotional health. Kindness to your self is essential.
The years around menopause are often a very busy time as women find themselves dealing with young adult children, older parents, spouses and demanding jobs. In all of that busy-ness it is far too easy to neglect your own needs. That can lead to stress, poor sleep and a host of other symptoms.

I see so many messages on the Smarter Menopause Facebook Page from women who are really struggling with their symptoms. They either do not know what to do or they think they don’t have time to take action. A few small simple changes that become self-care habits can make a significant difference
Remember the advice on planes that in an emergency you should always put the oxygen mask on yourself first. That is life-saving advice that you would never ignore. The same message is true in your daily life. Failure to practice self-care can affect your immune system and lead to physical illness.
10 Ideas For Self-Care
- Practice a relaxation breathing technique for a few minutes every day (See the Smarter Menopause Facebook Group for breathing technique videos https://www.facebook.com/groups/smartermenopause/)
- Go for a ten minute walk in the middle of the day
- Make one small healthy change to your diet every week such as: drink an extra glass of water, change one piece of fruit or vegetable to an organic alternative, swap a cake for a yogurt, or eat nuts and seeds instead of crisps.
- Have a laugh every day. Laugh with a friend or watch a funny video or read an amusing book.
- Take a home spa. Have a long bath or shower using your favourite toiletries. Maybe even light a scented candle
- Ask for help with something you are struggling with
- Disconnect for an hour. Get away from your mobile, social media and email.
- De-clutter your wardrobe. Take the clothes that you no longer like or wear to a charity shop.
- Create a new self-care habit such as flossing your teeth every evening or doing a weekly pedicure or manicure
- Dance to your favourite piece of music. Really go for it!
Include a few minutes of self-care in your daily routine and you will help yourself to maintain a healthy body and a clear-thinking mind. Pick one and get started today.
Here’s to your happier and healthier future.